CIfA2022 Videography and Live Streaming

Presentations from the CIfA2022 conference.

“The CIfA conference is the premier professional archaeological conference in the UK, attracting hundreds of participants across the heritage environment sector. CIfA2022 incorporated keynote addresses, wide-ranging sessions, and training workshops in an integrated live and virtual forum. Over five days, discussions were held on current professional issues, new developments were showcased, and research in archaeology and the wider heritage sector was presented.” Find out more

About CIfA:

“CIfA is the leading professional body representing archaeologists working in the UK and overseas. We promote high professional standards and strong ethics in archaeological practice, to maximise the benefits that archaeologists bring to society. We are the authoritative and effective voice for archaeologists, bringing recognition and respect to our profession.” Find out more

What we did:

On-Site Live Streaming – we streamed the presentations live to remote participants, increasing the accessibility and financial viability of the conference.

Live Event Videography – we recorded each presentation, edited the recordings and then published them so that we increased the reach, impact and accessibility of the event.